Thursday, September 30, 2010

Mirror Mirror On The Wall.

Thank whomever you believe in! It’s Friday.

As you venture out this weekend, I’m sure you’ll be thinking about this blog, and noticing how you will see things just a little differently from now on.

Think about the people in your life. The one you like and the ones you can’t stand. What is it about them that makes them so?

Do this now. Take one person you like… why do you like them? And one you hope not to run into this weekend… what don’t you like about them?

You won’t like me saying this, but I propose the following. Whatever you like & dislike in others, exists in you! That right, you my friend are the sum of all the traits you observe in others.

The reason is that, as humans, we only have the capacity to notice in others what exists in us. They are, if you will, a mirror reflection of what we like & dislike about ourselves. The more you accept this idea, the more likely you are to learn something about yourself this weekend.

You will probably meet new people, witness events, small & large, in your days of rest. And as you do so, notice how you will automatically make judgments about other people’s happiness, personality, attitude and so on… then check yourself whenever you notice something negative. Why did you notice it?

We all do this, meet someone and think, “oh nice person, smart, genuine, creative” or “cool, relaxed and full of life” (or whatever) and instead of accepting that as your opinion of them, I want you to consider what it is about you that made you neglect a hundred other traits about that person and only notice certain things. More importantly, what negative traits are you noticing in others?

Finally, when you do meet someone you decide is not worthy of your time, take a extra moment and notice at least two things about them that you do like. Because your ability to see beyond the bad, means that you are capable of overcoming those negative traits within yourself.

I hope you all had a great week, and I wish you a fantastic weekend.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Same Difference

In an industry where people are supposed to be educating clients about how they can improve their business, most of us have no clue how to stand out from the crowd so we can improve our own. And, in a world where coaches are supposed to help their client make their dreams come true, most coaches are far from realising their own dreams. It’s a sad state of affairs.

Having come from a world of advertising, where everyone hampers on about “point of difference” while every big agency in the world follows the same model, it interesting to see the lessons no one wants to learn.

You see… as any new business startup, I am not short of finding advice about how to get more clients. The number of people out there, regurgitating the same pile of horse manure about how to stand out from the crowd, is endless. Ironically, every one of them says & does the same thing.

Which is all nice an dandy, except for the fact that none of them are standing out, they all base their pitch on triggering my insecurities (if you can believe I have any), and 9 out of 10 couldn’t come up with a creative idea if their life depended on it. The one who could, will probably be too scared to rock the boat and keep their ideas buried deep down, along with their dignity.

Their model is simple. People search for answers online, so we’ll have a catchy line that’ll attract the punters to our site. In return for your email address, the site offers a free ebook that’s supposed to help you lose a ton of weight and make a million bucks faster than you can blink, you download the ebook, which is always a rubbish article they picked for free from ezine. Then they email you every week, some more often, with a new offer that’s exclusive to only 10 people and threatening that your life will always be shit if you don’t sign up NOW… hoping that one of these times they’ll catch you at a moment of weakness … and praying that you were born yesterday!

They’re no better than online poker sites, or Nigerian diplomats needing your bank account details.

The big players do the same thing except that instead of inviting you to the website to download a free ebook, they offer an exclusive invitation to a seminar or workshop where they hope to sign you up on the spot. The same manure, but served on a nice platter with free coffee & muffins. And lets not even get started on the “tony bobbins” & “the secret” people.

It used to piss me off to no end. Now I have accepted that the more of these wannabe wealth masters there are, the better I am. So bring it on mofos, show me your cards… your ebooks, your adwords, your free exclusive workshops, your million dollar tips and your success posters with images from the 80s because I’m holding the Trump card, the royal flush-you-down-the-toilet card… Ok, enough with the puns.

Now that I’ve had my bitch for the week, and lost a dozen contacts from my facebook, I’ll get back to doing things differently.

Anyone interested in my new ebook?

Coming soon, the real secret hidden codes of “The secret”. Don’t miss out, go to my website now and register for an advance copy. Don't delay, do it NOW. Offer Valid only till September 2099 and exclusive to only 68,000 people.

Monday, September 20, 2010

We are LIVE!!

Launched my company website today.

It is not complete, but it is a start. some more illustration & content coming soon.

As you are reading this blog post now, I would like to ask you for a small favor.

Can you please have a look at the site, and let me know your thoughts.
I would also like to know if you can find any mistakes. As in any website, I'm sure there will be some, and I can only fix them if I can find them. your help would be appreciated.

New Blog design coming soon.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

How can I?

A couple of months ago I joined a local Toast Masters Club to improve my public speaking skills.

Last night, I did my icebreaker speech (an intro to who I am), where I shared a little about the abuse I encountered as a child and why I see it as a blessing. Later, much later, in the early hours of this morning, with a Johnnie Walker in hand, a friend who was my guest at the club, asked me “how?” “how do you draw on your past in a positive way and get over it as you have?”

As simple a question as that might sound, and as important for me to know the answer, being a life coach… the truth is, I didn’t actually know “how?”.

So, here’s my answer to her.

Having a past that is tragic or challenging in some way isn’t what I draw on, in order to be positive. In fact, I don’t see why anyone would want to that. Many people draw on their challenging past everyday, and they are miserable in their lives.

Instead, I look for inspiration elsewhere. And I found mine in POP wisdom.

• Intelligence is defined by a person’s ability to learn. I may, or may not have been slow on the uptake, but I did learn eventually.
• Growth comes from experience. And I can honestly tell you that “I’ve been there”
• Insight comes from thinking outside our boundaries of comfort. I spent most of my life so far out of my comfort zone that I had no choice but to find insights.
• And since insanity is doing the same thing over and expecting a different result, sanity must be defined by our ability to adapt and make new mistakes. Believe me when I say, I was really creative in the mistakes I made in my life. So I must be sane, I think!

I even developed the theory of the “PDI or Personal Development Index” to prove that life challenges are a good thing. But I’ll explain that some other time.

So not only was I absorbing all these lessons from POP wisdom, I was coming up with my own thesis on personal development which made feel really good about having had such a challenging upbringing.

I have grown up (in the loose sense of the word) to like who I am as a person. I enjoy my own company. I am proud of the person I turned out to be.

And since I couldn’t be the person I am today, having not lived the life I had, the answer to my friend’s question isn’t an answer at all… it’s a question.

She asked me “How can I draw on my past in a positive way? And get over it as I have?” the reply is “How can I not?”